For the natural beauty of the outdoors we do not need to go very far. We pack up our trailers and head out to the mountains.
After a long ride we come to a spot where we decide to have lucnh, relax and enjoy the natural elements of our backyard. Brothers. Bonding. Friends.
This is a special kiddo in my heart, and anyone who knows anything about Autisum knows it is hard to photgraph these kids, they do not generally like to take photos, but this young man actually let me take several this day.
After some refreshments these two were on the look for crawdads. Always the fierce competition to find the biggest, but not so much luck on this outing....
This is just the time when you need to reflect on what is important. To be able to take in all that is beautiful. It is a time to stop and slow down and enjoy the peace that only being away from everything else can do for the mind.
And there are always the show-off's who want their pictures taken as well.
After a fantastic afternoon it is so long to this peace of earth, it is time to head back to reality.....
So until our next photo shoot whether it is in a setting or another adventure. Ciao!